Our Intuitives/Life Coach/Hypnotherapist:


Leona Tjan - 757.589.8859

Leona is clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and a medium. A Intuit, and a certified life coach that offers insights into the present seeing the past and how it relates to the present and future. She specializes in the areas of medium-ship, and spiritual self development, and Skilled tarot card reader for clients that prefer using tarot cards with an intuitive twist. An empathetic medium with a special intuition for animals. She is a motivational Speaker, and Hypnotherapist. She carries degrees and certifications in Marketing, General Paralegal/Litigation, Funeral Service and Grief and Bereavement Counseling. Leona is the creator of the "Serenity Mind Show and the CEO of Serenity Mind LLC. Leona has been working in intuitive life coaching for 25 years.
E-Mail: leonaann@serenitymind.us


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